Hopeful Hearts is a non-profit organization that is funded by charitable donations. Our program of support is available to families at no cost. Your contributions are tax deductible. Please provide your information on the Donation Form
Mail completed form to the following address:
850 Hospital Road, Medical Arts Building, Suite 3000
Indiana, PA 15701
At Hopeful Hearts families are served a light meal and participate in activities that utilize various craft items. Donations of grocery store gift cards or craft supplies are welcomed and greatly appreciated. Also, bookstore gift cards can be used to help build our grief resource library.
You can also view our programs needs on our Amazon wish list below
Amazon Wish List Walmart's Registry for GoodIf you have a heart for working with children and would like to volunteer with Hopeful Hearts, please contact us at hopefulhearts@concordiahcbs.org OR call 724-463-6340.